Smokey Sausage One Pot

This simple, healthy and comforting one pot is ready is 30 minutes. Its a great dish to prepare ahead of time for those busy weeks, whip it up in a spare moment & it will store in the the fridge for a few days. On those busy days pull it out and reheat in minutes.

Serves 4

Effort: Easy

Prep: 5mins

Cook: 30Mins


  • 8 Beef Sausages

  • 2 Capsicums, chopped (I use 1 red & 1 green)

  • 2 Red Onion, Chopped

  • 1/2 Bottle of Lang’s smoky steak sauce

  • 1 Can diced tomato

  • 1 Can kidney beans or beans of your choice, drained

  • 2 Tbsp balsamic vinegar or red wine

  • 200ml Chicken stock

  • Greens - I add spinach to the pot or broccoli on the side


  1. In a hot casserole dish add a tbsp oil and the sausages. Brown for 5 minutes.

  2. Add the onions and colour for a minute before adding the capsicum.

  3. Add the balsamic if using or wine and simmer for a minute before adding Lang’s sauce, stock and tomatoes.

  4. Add the beans, season with salt & pepper and simmer for 20 minutes.

  5. Stir in your greens to wilt.

Hints & tips

Give this dish a twist and slice your sausages up before cooking and omit the beans. Add cooked pasta at the end and top with your favourite grated cheese.


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