Curried Fish Tacos

Fish tacos are a lighter and healthier alternative to traditional tacos. They’re perfect for warmer days when you want something light but filling. Marinate with curry paste & top with a fresh Indian kachumber salsa for a great contrast to the usual Mexican flavoured taco dinner.

Serves 4

Effort: Easy

Prep: 10 mins

Cook: 20 mins

Gluten free option - see hints & tips


  • 600g white fish - see hints & tips

  • 2-3 tbsp curry paste - Burtons curry paste

  • 1/4 Red cabbage - shredded finely

  • 1 red onion, diced finely

  • 2 small tomato, chopped small

  • 1 medium cucumber, chopped small

  • 1/4 cup fresh mint, chopped

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • 3/4 cup natural yoghurt

  • 1 garlic clove, minced

  • 12 small tortillas - see hints & tips

  • Lemon wedges to serve

  • Coriander to serve

  • Coconut oil for cooking


Marinade the fish

  1. In a large bowl add the fish fillets & the curry paste, using your hands evenly coat both sides of each fillet.

  2. Cover and marinade for 15-30 mins.

Make kachumber salsa

  1. In a bowl add the chopped onion, tomato & cucumber.

  2. Add chopped mint & lemon juice, mix well.

  3. Season to taste.

Cook the fish

  1. Heat 2 tbsp coconut oil in a skillet over high heat. Cook the marinated fish for 2 minutes on each side, or until golden and cooked through.

  2. Remove fish onto plate then flake into large pieces.

Make the curried fish tacos

  1. Cook the tortillas by blackening a little over the BBQ or gas hob. Wrap in foil to keep warm

  2. In a small bowl mix the natural yoghurt and minced garlic together, then season.

  3. To make the taco’s, add a dollop of natural yogurt on the tortilla, add shredded cabbage, top with fish then kachumber salsa. Add a squeeze of lemon and chopped coriander.

    Place the tacos on serving platter or plates and serve.

Hints & tips

Make it gluten free - To make it gluten free us gluten free/ corn based tortillas.

Fish - Snapper was used in this recipe, try using barramundi as a alternative. These two fish types are a more meaty which holds up well in tacos. Other good fish include: tilapia, basa or cod.

Cooking the fish - Cooking fish on the hob gives a more crispy edge. You can cook i in the oven covered with foil for a more steamed effect or uncovered to getting a golden colour. Preheat the oven to 180c fan and cook for 15-20 mins.

Tortillas - Cooking your tortilla over a gas flame: Simply turn on your gas hob and adjust the heat to medium low. Using tongs, take one end of the tortilla and place it directly over the flame. Allow the tortilla to lay over the flame anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds, then flip over on the other side.

Portion size - This recipe halves or doubles up well.

Storage - This recipe is best served and eaten freshly cooked. The fish will keep in the fridge for 2 days & the salad the same. Not suitable for freezing.


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